Monday, 9 June 2008

Look, Mom! Colour!

EDIT: In future, most of my colour stuff will go on my new deviantART page. I'll put a link up here when I've edited it to my liking. This is my sketchblog/personal blog where I can ramble about odd things and post half-finished stuff.

I was fiddling in PS Elements when I was supposed to be doing schoolwork, and I realized something - something very obvious. If you make a layer over top of the sketch/lineart, and adjust the layer's opacity to about sixty-odd percent, you can achieve a very free-flowing relatively easy colour job when you paint. I think it's about as good as I'm going to get without tracing all the lines in black. I'm pleased. ^_^

So I tried it out on this sketch:

It reminds me very much of this piece, and I love that style. It'll tide me over until I get PS CS, or a tablet. :D Excuse the crappiness, it's only a tester.

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