Saturday, 6 September 2008


In Canada, that is! I'm so happy! xD

I've been drawing on and off since my last post, so here are the highlights:

This is a collection of sketches I did while we were still in the UK. We were at a get-together at a pub after a funeral, and I wasn't feeling particularly melancholy. So instead of showing this and probably offending people, I buried my head in my sketchbook.

This is the very first page of sketches I did in Canada since moving to England. I sat down and drew a whole page's worth of stuff to make sure I hadn't lost my drawing ability - I'd not picked up a pencil for at least a fortnight at that point, since it was really hectic with packing just before the flight. I had barely any free time for drawing.

This is one I coloured with watercolour after the first day back at school. I'm really proud of the colour job, since I had my doubts about how nice it would look. But I think it's a great substitute to digital colouring. Our copy of PS Elements got lost in the shuffle when we moved, so it's pretty much my only option now, unfortunately.

My style's solidified more, I think. It's got common elements now, as opposed to bits of whatever manga I've been reading recently. xD